Journey Of An Anime Food Truck

How we started Okamoto Kitchen from scratch and the journey along the way…
Fashion Fan Panel: What Style Fits You?

What style are you? Visual kei? Decora? Or Lolita? Join in and learn…
Industry Panel: Painted 0nes (Austronesian Tattoos)

Panelist to share Austronesian tattoos…
Cosplay Panel: Diversity in the Cosplay Community

Discuss diversity and positivity within the cosplay community with Chocolate Covered Cosplay…
Anime Fan Panel: Find Your Love of Cosplay and Anime in the Art of Pro Wrestling

The Cosplay Wrestling Federation is here to show you how the world of cosplay, character performance and anime…
Anime Panel: Make Mine Mecha: History of Giant Robots

From the early days of Tetsujin-28 to the inescapable Evangelion, Super Robots have defined anime…
Anime Panel: It’s Just Love: 25 Years of Gundam Wing

Gundam has given us a legacy of giant robots, human drama, memorable characters…
Cosplay Burlesque Revue (Hosted by La Frida Lokah)

This is an 18+ event featuring burlesque performers of cosplay variety…