Way of the Stick and Blade Tournament

Way of the Stick and Blade is Southern California’s premier Filipino Martial Arts tournament boasting one of the largest contingents of competitors from all across the globe. This tournament is geared to promote and propagate the Filipino Martial Arts through competition. It is our hope that this event will help give experience to any first […]
Hung Kuen Kung Fu Workshop with Sifu Patrick “Bai Long” Pace

“Bai Long” began his martial arts training at age 6 in the United Kingdom. By 16, he was one of the youngest black belts in Full Contact Karate/Kick Boxing and one of the youngest champions in the UK. In his 40 years of training in martial arts, Patrick holds black belts in the following systems: […]
Pamana Kali Workshop with Guro Alvin Catacutan

Guro Alvin Catacutan currently holds Black Belt Rank in Kali and Silat at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. He is an instructor certified to teach Kali, Jun Fan Gung Fu & Jeet Kune Do under Maha Guro Dan Inosanto. Guro Alvin is on a mission to share the Filipino Martial Arts as a catalyst […]
Hap Ki Do Workshop with Master Joaquín Anzú

Master Joaquín Anzú Álvarez, was born in Uruapan, Michoacán, México in 1972. He came to the United States in September of 1988 where within few months he enrolled in the art of Lima Lama and after kickboxing in the city of El Monte. He started training Taekwondo in México at an early age. By God’s […]
Music Featured Guest: Cali Crisis

Cali Crisis is a synthpop duo made up of indie artist Plasmic and American Anime/Jpop artist Stephanie Yanez. Once upon a cyberpunk time a nerdy girl with pink hair named Crisis had an idea. After being bullied day after day she thought it was time to make a friend. She sat down at her pink […]
PC Gaming with San Diego LAN

San Diego LAN Is proud to be bringing PC gaming to Pacific Media Expo! Join us in the San Rafael room for e-gaming action! We’ll have computers set up for free play LAN games including: Call of Duty Quake III Blur – Racing Game Red Alert 2 Warcraft III The Frozen Throne Rocket League and […]
Now Accepting Anime Music Video (AMV) Entries for PMX 2018

We are happy to announce that the Anime Music Video (AMV) Contest will be back for Pacific Media Expo 2018. Amaze your friends by showcasing your anime video editing skills! Entertain others with your brand of storytelling! Video categories will be: Action • Comedy • Drama. PRIZES AWARDED Category Description Prize Best of Show AMV […]
Now Accepting Panel Submissions for PMX 2018!

Have a passion for Pan De Peace, Land of the Lustrous, or Made in Abyss? Or an abundance of knowledge about the latest trends from ATELIER BOZ, millefleurs, and Alice and the Pirates? Want to share con hacks and tricks of the trade? Well now’s your chance… Pacific Media Expo 2018’s Panel Registration is now […]